Hurghada Tours – Explore the Beach Resort Town of Hurghada

hurghada tours

If you’ve never been to Egypt, a Hurghada tour can be the perfect choice. The town is home to a vibrant Bedouin culture and is an excellent place to experience a traditional Egyptian life. You can explore the ancient temples, dive into shipwrecks, or simply stroll along the shoreline. You can even see a Bedouin family on a Hurghada tour.

Luxor was the capital of Egypt

The city of Luxor was the ancient capital of Egypt and is considered one of the world’s oldest cities. The city was known as Thebes during the Pharaonic period, when it was at its height of power from 16 to 11 centuries B.C. Today, Luxor is the place where you can see the Valley of the Kings and the Luxor Temple. This city also holds some of the world’s most magnificent ruins and artifacts.

Hurghada is Egypt’s most famous beach resort town

The Red Sea coastline of Egypt is home to the Egyptian beach resort town of Hurghada, a must-visit destination for anyone who loves the beach. Hurghada’s beaches are renowned worldwide for their pristine waters and the many dive shops and restaurants that can be found here. Alternatively, you can try your hand at traditional Egyptian coffee shops and restaurants. You can also book a resort stay in Hurghada to experience the town’s culture. And if you’re looking for some culture, there’s the Abdulmoneim Riadh Mosque, which stands close to the beach. Its elaborately decorated minarets, extended arches, and intricate carvings make it one of the main tourist attractions in Hurghada.

Diving in the shipwrecks

One of the most interesting parts of a shipwreck tour is diving inside a sunken vessel. The SS Great Britain lies on its port side and has been partially wrecked. Inside, you’ll find one row of seven square windows facing aft. Then, the stern curves downward and exposes a magnificent rudder. You can also dive into the engine room, which is filled with old barrels.

Nile cruises

The Nile river cruise from Aswan to Luxor takes just three nights and is a budget choice for most tourists. Because the cruise is 600 km long, it is best to take a private transfer from Hurghada to Aswan. Since there is no public transportation in the area, private transfers are affordable for groups of five or more travelers. Private transfers also offer the added benefit of providing a more comfortable ride for passengers.

Private tours

If you are looking to see the local attractions in Hurghada, Egypt, it is best to use a private guide service. A guide will be able to help you navigate the city as well as the surrounding areas and communicate with the locals. They can also help you learn more about the local culture and language. Moreover, a guide can help you understand how the local currency works. These tours are perfect for individuals who want to take in as much as possible from their Hurghada vacation.


If you’re looking for nightlife in Hurghada, Egypt, there are plenty of choices. While the local beach resort is known for its daytime sun, it also boasts several nightclubs. Almost every hotel in the area has a disco, which makes for a fun night out. The city is also home to a number of renowned discos, including the Papas Beach Club, Calypso Disco, and Hard Rock Cafe. There’s even a Kandi beach bar at Hed Kandi, the first of its kind in the world.